Monday, September 10, 2018

Yom Taruah / Rosh Hashanah 8

This Day is also known as "The Day No One Knows the Day Or The Hour".
Here is why:

After the Babylonian dispersal, there arose a dispute among the Jews about WHEN the New Moon is. This dispute still exists among Jews to this day. It used to be that two witnesses watched for the new crescent moon and separately reported it to Jerusalem via signal fire. But then the question arose - what about the day before the crescent moon - the day of no moon? Is that not the day after the month, and therefore the new moon?

Personally, I go by what Scripture says - a new moon - when it appears, and one Day.

However, how the Jews resolved this dispute is to celebrate Yom Taruah for 2 days instead of 1 day, however to consider that 48 hour period AS IF it was one actual day. This way the New year started off no matter which school of thought you were in.

As a result, a common Jewish idiom for this Day is "the Day No One Knows The Day Or The Hour". This is how most Jews referred to this Day when talking about it at other times of the year, almost tongue in cheek about the silliness of the dispute, yet each holding fast to whichever side of the dispute they happened to be on.

Because of this, many believe that, although no one knows the year or time it will happen, that Yeshuah actually was referring to this Day when He answered by saying, "No one knows the day or the hour". He also told them what signs to watch for first and warned them NOT to believe He is here, there or coming until after all of the tribulation days finish and the sun turns dark and the moon no longer gives off its light (See Mark 13). But He also warned that anyone NOT ready after those signs is like a caretaker who was not ready when the master returned to the vineyard, or like a fig tree that was out of season.

This Festival celebrates the creation of Man by YHWH. It celebrates His promise to come and bring justice to the world. It celebrates the beginning of a new year of hopes. It celebrates a day when a war horn and warning will be heard worldwide and He will come and do away with war altogether. It celebrates that Yeshuah will come and rule the world under YHWH and show us what life with true peace is like.

But in the end, its simply a great God-given reason to celebrate Him!


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